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Jamie Granquist

Jamie is the City Manager for BikeLNK


She is a lifelong Lincoln area resident and lover of the Midwest. She is a mother of two, an owner of a small business and an advocate for citizen mobility for transportations and supportive infrastructure. If she isn’t talking about bikes, she’s probably riding one on the ribbon of gravel roads that surround Lincoln.

Jes Slavin

Jes is the Marketing and Membership Manager for BikeLNK.


She is originally from Massachusetts. She learned the basics of bike commuting during her undergrad years in Boston

and as a car-free resident during her first two years in Nebraska. She is a bike advocate and enthusiast that is excited about bringing bike sharing and sustainable transportation to the Lincoln community.

How did BikeLNK start?

How many BikeLNK members are there?

Who uses BikeLNK?

A discount for UNL students.

How does BikeLNK fit in with Lincoln?

BikeLNK's environmental impacts.

Who doesn't love a little competition?

Joe Huffman, BikeLNK's top rider.

Will BikeLNK expand in the future?

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